Cybercriminals are targeting retail organizations. Our Cyber Security Services and
Information Compliance services are here to help stop them in their tracks.

Retail Cyber Security Services

Preventing Retail Data Theft/ PCI Compliance

The retail industry has been hit hard by cyber crime, and most cyber security experts say the worst is yet to come.  With massive security data breaches, and credit card breaches, PCI violations, and the growth in cyber crime activity. It is our believe that we haven't seen the worst of these security breaches yet. 

Retailers have seen an unprecedented level of cyber attacks as criminals seek to obtain a big payday through credit card data or further their misguided agendas by denying retailers and customers the ability to conduct business. CyberSecOp can help with pre-attack penetration and vulnerability testing, compromise assessments, and incident response and containment. 


PCI-DSS compliance security program

CyberSecOp also assist organization with PCI-DSS compliance security program, ensure that your retail customers card data is protected. While PCI-DSS provides a framework for improved payment processing, it has not been sufficient to ensure the security of the modern retail POS system while protecting your reputation and businesses assets. 

 Our security consulting team will help you to build out a security program to protect and monitor all your assets from internal and external breaches. 

Retail Cyber Security & Fraud Prevention Services

While we unremittingly build our defenses, it is our strong belief that cybersecurity is the only remedy for immunity in the digital age against. Cybersecurity is one of the most critical challenges faced by retail stakeholders of the digital payment ecosystem. Retail business have an obligation to their customers and investors to be transparent on their cybersecurity posture and to provide time breach reporting.

Retail fight card payment fraud

We help retail organizations fight card payment fraud, cyber security attacks, and compliance with PCI DSS. Our e-commerce fraud protection service provides:

  • Digital Payment Fraud Prevention

  • Catch Fraudulent Transactions

  • Payment Chargeback Prevention

  • Risk Assessments

  • Payment Compliance Services

Digital payment ecosystem needs to be strengthened, with organizations, users as well as government equally sharing the responsibility of securing the digital payment ecosystem. We can help you start the process and ensure that you are compliant.